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Tour Conclusion
We have come to the conclusion of our tour. We hope you have enjoyed learning about all that Stoneleigh and Oakwell represent.
Oakwell tells the story of the land we now call Lower Merion, the story of the people of our community and, really, the story of our nation.
The information shared on this tour has only been uncovered in the past year. It is only the beginning of what could be uncovered. Oakwell's story is a work-in-progress. What other stories might Oakwell tell? How can you help us tell these stories? We hope you will be in touch if you have any information pertaining to Oakwell's historical or ecological significance...or have ideas as to how this land might be used going forward for the greater good.
As you exit the property, follow the Woodland Drive. Look to your right as you pass Oakwell Mansion to see the white ash mentioned earlier on the tour during the discussion of significant trees.
Take it all in.

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